Estate Planning

Nextgen.Law | Estate Planning Lawyer Brisbane

Estate Planning is a holistic approach to ensuring your best interests – and that of your loved ones – are prioritised during difficult times. While a Will is an important part of an estate plan, it is just one of several documents that provide a complete picture of your life and how you wish to live, and how you want your assets distributed after your death. 

Estate Planning is not just for the wealthy. An Estate Plan can be beneficial for young couples, people with children, people who have investments in property or shares, people with disabilities or chronic illness, business owners, superannuation holders and more. Not a week goes by that we do not hear from people who consult us with “not much”, only to find that, upon some digging, there is a significant amount of money and resources for distribution, particularly as many forget about their superannuation and life insurance which can often be considerable!

If you have bought your first property, recently become a parent, recently divorced or been bereaved, or you’re entering the pre-retirement or indeed retirement phase of your life, you should consider whether you need an Estate Plan. A strong Estate Plan will withstand most life changes, but should be reviewed by you annually to ensure it still meets your needs and wishes. Just like completing your tax return, a few minutes spent reviewing your plan can save much heartache (and money) later on.

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Your Estate Planning Lawyer Brisbane, Toowoomba, Darling Downs
Regional, Rural & Remote Queensland

Nextgen.Law takes pride in helping Queenslanders from Brisbane and Moreton Bay, Toowoomba and Darling Downs, and otherwise remotely for our regional, rural and remote families. Nextgen.Law is your Estate Planning Lawyer Brisbane & beyond.