Powers of Attorney

Nextgen.Law | Powers of Attorney

Working with Family Dynamics

Most of us expect to live regular lives – we start a family, work hard, retire and enjoy our twilight years. We assume if anything happens, our family will simply rally around us and support us, right?

However, most of us also live in families where individuals hold different views about issues, and sadly many have levels of dysfunction and disagreement that result in additional stress at a time when stress isn’t in short supply.

The purpose of an Attorney

Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney can alleviate many of those stressors. It means that if you are alive but unable to care for yourself or communicate your wishes, your Attorney can act on your behalf in some instances, such as:

  • Access your bank accounts to pay your bills 
  • Make decisions about where you live
  • Consent or refuse some types of health care (such as an operation)
  • How any income you derive while incapacitated is invested.

What happens if I don't appoint an attorney?

Your Power of Attorney does not automatically fall to your spouse or next of kin, and when an Enduring Power of Attorney is not in place, we often see strong disagreements between families on how their loved one should be cared for.   Further it may fall to the Public Trustee to act, or for formal application(s) to be made to QCAT.

Your Power of Attorney ceases at your death.

Will Vs. Enduring Power of Attorney

Nextgen.Law can help you navigate the difference between an Enduring Power of Attorney and a Will, and ensure you are protected at a time when you may be most vulnerable. Our thoughtful and thorough team can work with you to ensure you appoint an Attorney you can rely upon and a document that gives them whatever powers you choose for them to have, at times you choose.

We're here to help

In our free, no obligation 15 minute consultation, we can answer your questions about why you might need an Enduring Power of Attorney and how to start the process. We are here to support you.

Related Information

Powers of Attorney QLD | Brisbane, Toowoomba, Darling Downs
Regional, Rural & Remote Queensland

Nextgen.Law takes pride in helping Queenslanders from Brisbane and Moreton Bay, Toowoomba and Darling Downs, and otherwise remotely for our regional, rural and remote families. Nextgen.Law is the Queensland Wills and Estate Planning expert near you.